Tuesday, January 4, 2011


As I sit here thinking about a new year, and a new decade, I am thinking aboiut all of the different phases of my life.

A new graduate of design school, all excited about embarking on my new career.
Rull of ideas and enthusiasm.

A new wife, balancing career and home, trying to be Martha Stewart and doing everything perfectly.

A new mother balancing yet more balls in the air.
Then in 1990, I started my own design firm. I soon realized that I could no longer do everything on my own.

I learned to delegate, ask for assistance when needed, and mastered the fine art of saying, "Thank you for thinking of me, but I cannot do it at this time. Please remember to ask me in the future" In other words, I graciously learned how to say NO. This first time is scary, but it does become easier and very rewarding to your health.

Time is such a precious commodity. We never have enough, wonder where it went, and can never get it back.

 I have learned a few tricks to save myself time, and here are some suggestions:

  • Cook once a week, and plan your future meals around it. We had a scrumptious roast with mushroom glaze and garlic mashed potatoes for dinner tonight. The left-overs will be used for sandwiches, soup, and yummy potato pancakes.
  • When you pick up the mail, go through it immediately. Throw the junk out, and put the rest in a basket to look over once a week. That way you won't wonder if you paid that bill, or where did you put that marvelous invitation?
  • Everyday schedule time for yourself. Even if it is only 15 minutes. In 15 minutes you can read a chapter of a book, go for a walk with the dog and listen to the birds, take a bath, listen to a new cd, or just sit and watch the sunrise.  It will become a time you look forward to and you deserve it!

Let me know how you save time. I'm looking forward to hearing from you, Donna

Tickle time w/my grandson Andrew!

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