Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Guests for the holidays....

photo from Pottery Barn catalog
here are some tips to make it a pleasant experience for everyone!

   I love having houseguests and enjoy preparing for and spoiling them.  After all, they are people I care about.  Therefore, I try to think of what the things are that would make their stay enjoyable.

Here are some musts in the guest room.
  • The bed: it must have comfortable pillows, nice linens, and a   variety of coverings that might suit their sleeping comfort.
  • Window treatments to block the sunlight if they are late sleepers
  •  A comfy chair, good lighting, and variety of reading material
  •  A tray with bottled water & some late night snacks
  •  Information on things to do around the area
  •  Extra personal items such as toothbrush & shampoo in case they forgot theirs.  It  is very nice to have a separate bathroom for guests, but if that is not possible, a basket with items to be carried in easily is a great idea.
Now, let me tell you what makes a good guest!  Anyone who stays with me more than 2 days is not a guest... They are considered family and treated as such.

I always prepare a fruit and pasta salads that anyone can help themselves to when they are hungry.  There is also a variety of homemade soups in the freezer in individual serving containers.  Just take them out and nuke!  You can also make a sandwich and raid the cookie jar.  In other words, there will be times when you are on your own.

I also appreciate it when someone offers to help clean up a bit, so we have more time to spend together doing fun things.  And let me know what you would like to do.  Your stay will be more pleasant, and it takes some of the burden off of me to decide what to do.

So, as the holidays approach, I am looking forward to seeing you, laughing together & creating great memories!

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