Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Revisiting the past

    Last week I went back to Wisconsin to visit my old friends and family.  Just like this picture of a childhood moment, it was fun to reminisce about all the things we did when we were younger and catch up on what we are doing now.

    I moved to a small community when I was about 12 years old, and attended a 4 room country school house.  We only had 7 children in my class, and needless to say we all became like family.  Well, my best friend was a boy, and I spent a lot of time with his large family.  They had 2 grandmas, 7 sons and daughter and mom & dad all living together.  Because there were so many of them, they did not really need anyone else to do things with.

I spent all of my time with that family, and they became family to me.  We laughed and cried, got mad at each other and always had a good time playing games.  We fished, camped, played softball together.  I ended up marrying my childhood sweetheart.

Since then, I have been divorced and remarried, but have still kept in touch with the family.  We had such good times, and they are a part of my history.

Whenever I hear someone say that they are not talking to family members, it really breaks my heart.  We all need to have that connection to the past.  That is how we became who we are.  By denying that relationship to continue, we lose touch with our very roots and sense of who we are.  Everything goes back to the beginning.   Of course, there are times when your feelings are hurt.  Will you let silly pride get in the way of your future?  Remember the good times...then you can continue to have more.

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